Blessed Samhain!

Posted by Admin Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:31:00 AM Categories: Home

Blessed Samhain!

It happened this way:
When the time was right, when the season had come, he came to the deadly place and was sacrificed.  Knowingly he came; willingly he came in honor and sorrow he came,
To do what had to be done.
His death made life possible; from it sprang the food we eat.
Grain grew where his blood flowed, animals walked forth from the shade of his fallen body.  Like an ash felled by an axe, his body lay and nourished the ground.
This is the way it happened, and the way it happens today.

 For each moment dies and nourishes the next as it is birthed by the Goddess.  Each year dies and nourishes the next as it is birthed by the Goddess.  Each life ends and nourishes the next as it is birthed by the Goddess.

You who die and are reborn, in this season of death, we remember your deeds.
You who are reborn, in this season of life, we remember your sacrifice.
You who die and are reborn, in this season of life and death, we remember what happened and we praise you in our living, and we praise you in our dying.
 death, we remember what happened and we praise you in our living, and we praise you in our dying.

Author Unknown

the Moon Pool coven

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