What is Holistic Health?

Posted by Rick Bailly Friday, June 15, 2018 12:29:00 AM Categories: Home

We’ve all heard about the ways to keep ourselves healthy, think diet, exercise, or attitude. Well, this is correct for the most part, but what happens when you still have some health issues? You've likely heard the term "holistic health" before. You may have even sought holistic healing in the past. If you're not fully aware of how holistic health practitioners incorporate herbal supplements into patient treatment plans, you're not alone. Most people have basic knowledge of holistic health if they possess any knowledge at all about the form of medicine.

What Holistic Health Emphasizes

Holistic health takes into account the mind, body, soul, and emotions. It sees people as a whole, whereas traditional Western Medicine focuses on treating different parts of the body. Psychiatrists address mental health while physical health is treated by a general practitioner and specialists when needed. In an attempt to promote the fastest healing, holistic health doctors may prescribe multiple treatments to relieve symptoms or modify behaviors.

Herbal Supplements and Holistic Medicine

As part of a treatment plan, some holistic health practitioners prescribe herbal supplements as well as other healing modalities. There are different ways that herbs can be used in addition to eating healthily. Herbalism allows patients to apply herbs topically, add them to the foods they prepare, take them in pill or capsule form, and even make tea to drink from them. Diet and exercise are emphasized as ways to improve one's overall well-being. Some popular holistic products are turmeric powder, kratom powder, and ginseng for example.

So are alternative medicine treatments such as yoga, acupressure, acupuncture, massage, essential oils, sound therapy, and crystal therapy. A holistic practitioner may prescribe several treatments along with herbs to take to help combat a physical or mental problem that a patient is experiencing.

Holistic Medicine Principles and How They Apply to Practitioner and Patient

By applying the principles of holistic medicine, healthcare professionals can help the patient recognize their own ability to heal. They also look at each person as an individual, not a diseased individual. Healing is something that requires participation by both the doctor and the patient using a multitude of treatment options.


The cause of the symptoms is more important to fix than the symptoms themselves. Holistic medicine gets to the root of the problem so it can be remedied. Doctors don't just prescribe pills hoping that the symptoms go away or new symptoms don't develop as a result of the medication that was prescribed.

Finding the Right Health Care Practitioner Helps Accelerate Healing

Holistic health may be something you want to explore on your own. Hiring a practitioner to assist you with healing your mind, body, and soul has its benefits. Rather than focus on treating symptoms, the medical professional comes up with a plan to treat your whole being not just parts of you.


Attitude, Diet, and Exercise | Moon Pool

Kratom Powder | Kats Botanicals

Ginseng Benefits | Dr. Axe

Turmeric Benefits | Healthline

Alternative Therapies | Irish Healing Retreat

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